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What is a Concept Map? captures knowledge in Concept Maps. A concept map is a visual representation of the connections between concepts in a particular domain of knowledge. Examples might include Asset Management, Customer Service, Product Management, Order Processing or anything else you can come up with that can be thought of as an area of expertise. They can include business domains like Accounts Receivable, technical domains like Web Application Architecture, design domains like Mobile UI Screen Flow, just to name a few.

What Concept Maps do we have? provides a list of concept maps that you can explore and learn from. Just click on the "Published Maps" link in the navigation bar to see a list of concept maps that have been published by other users.

A simple example: Order Processing

The simplest concept map has two concepts and one arrow connecting them. The arrow has a label that represents the connection between the concepts.

In the example, we have two concepts: Customer and Order. We would generally say that a customer "places" an order, so that is the label of the arrow, which also points in the direction that matches the way we would say it out loud.

Concept maps should closely match the way experts talk about concepts in the given domain.

Adding more Concepts: Vendor and Invoice

Concept maps quickly grow to represent all the connections between the concepts in a domain. Even domains that you might initially think would be very simple can have a lot of concepts and connections when you create a concept map. This is a good thing as it makes an expert's tacit knowledge more explicit so that it can be shared with the rest of us!