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Concept Map » CQRS And Event Sourcing changes

CQRS and Event Sourcing represent an approach to building business systems that draws heavily on Domain Driven Design while avoiding tedious Object Relational Mapping and many other difficulties with common application development approaches.

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  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D
  5. E
  6. M
  7. P
  8. Q
  9. R
  10. S
  11. U
  12. V
  13. W

A top

This concept has no description.
  1. Aggregate has Behaviour
  2. Aggregate has Event Stream
  3. Aggregate has State
  4. Aggregate processes Command
  5. Aggregate rehydrates using Event Sourcing
  6. Aggregate rejects Command
  7. Command Handler instantiates Aggregate
  8. Domain Model is composed of Aggregate
This concept has no description.
  1. Application Service implements Use Case
  2. Client Application calls Application Service
  3. Command Handler is a Application Service
  4. Query Handler is a Application Service

B top

This concept has no description.
  1. Aggregate has Behaviour
  2. Behaviour publishes Event
  3. Command triggers Behaviour

C top

This concept has no description.
  1. CQRS is also known as Command Query Responsibility Separation
  2. CQRS is composed of Read Side
  3. CQRS is composed of Write Side
This concept has no description.
  1. Client Application calls Application Service
  2. Client Application facilitates Use Case
  3. Client Application issues Command
  4. Client Application receives DTO

A command is a serialised method call that capture the intent of the user. It is always expressed in the imperative, e.g. "Make Payment", "Ship Goods", etc.

It is important to note that commands can be rejected by the application based on any number of validations, including permissions, concurrency issues, data validation, etc.

  1. Aggregate processes Command
  2. Aggregate rejects Command
  3. Client Application issues Command
  4. Command changes State
  5. Command is a Message
  6. Command triggers Behaviour
  7. Command Handler receives Command
  8. Process Manager sends Command
This concept has no description.
  1. Command Handler instantiates Aggregate
  2. Command Handler is a Application Service
  3. Command Handler is also known as Write Service
  4. Command Handler receives Command
  5. Write Side is composed of Command Handler
  1. CQRS is also known as Command Query Responsibility Separation
This concept has no description.
  1. Event has Correlation ID
  2. Process Manager subscribes to Correlation ID

D top


This concept has no description.
  1. Client Application receives DTO
  2. DTO is also known as Data Transfer Object
  3. DTO represents View
  4. Query Handler returns DTO
  5. View Model is composed of DTO
  1. DTO is also known as Data Transfer Object
  1. View Generator is also known as Denormaliser
This concept has no description.
  1. Domain Model is composed of Aggregate
  2. Write Side is composed of Domain Model
This concept has no description.
  1. Downstream Event Processor is a Event Listener
  2. Downstream Event Processor publishes Event

E top

This concept has no description.
  1. Behaviour publishes Event
  2. Downstream Event Processor publishes Event
  3. Event has Correlation ID
  4. Event is a Message
  5. Event Listener receives Event
  6. Event Sourcing reads Event
  7. Event Store persists Event
  8. Event Stream is composed of Event
This concept has no description.
  1. Downstream Event Processor is a Event Listener
  2. Event Listener receives Event
  3. Process Manager is a Event Listener
  4. View Generator is a Event Listener
This concept has no description.
  1. Aggregate rehydrates using Event Sourcing
  2. Event Sourcing reads Event
  3. Event Sourcing recreates State
This concept has no description.
  1. Event Store is composed of Event Stream
  2. Event Store persists Event
This concept has no description.
  1. Aggregate has Event Stream
  2. Event Store is composed of Event Stream
  3. Event Stream is composed of Event

M top

This concept has no description.
  1. Command is a Message
  2. Event is a Message

P top

This concept has no description.
  1. Process Manager is a Event Listener
  2. Process Manager is a State Machine
  3. Process Manager sends Command
  4. Process Manager subscribes to Correlation ID
  1. View Generator is also known as Projector

Q top

This concept has no description.
  1. Query Handler is a Application Service
  2. Query Handler is also known as Read Service
  3. Query Handler returns DTO
  4. Read Side is composed of Query Handler

R top

  1. Query Handler is also known as Read Service
This concept has no description.
  1. CQRS is composed of Read Side
  2. Read Side is composed of Query Handler
  3. Read Side is composed of View Model

S top

This concept has no description.
  1. Aggregate has State
  2. Command changes State
  3. Event Sourcing recreates State
This concept has no description.
  1. Process Manager is a State Machine

U top

This concept has no description.
  1. Application Service implements Use Case
  2. Client Application facilitates Use Case

V top

This concept has no description.
  1. DTO represents View
  2. View Generator generates View
  3. View Model is composed of View
This concept has no description.
  1. View Generator generates View
  2. View Generator is a Event Listener
  3. View Generator is also known as Denormaliser
  4. View Generator is also known as Projector
This concept has no description.
  1. Read Side is composed of View Model
  2. View Model is composed of DTO
  3. View Model is composed of View

W top

  1. Command Handler is also known as Write Service
This concept has no description.
  1. CQRS is composed of Write Side
  2. Write Side is composed of Command Handler
  3. Write Side is composed of Domain Model


This concept map is owned by jimmyjazz68

Other users collaborating on this concept map:

  1. haruki_zaemon
  2. notahat
  3. taoza
  4. vonconrad