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Concept Map » Getting Things Done (GTD) changes

An approach to personal productivity that focuses on action management rather than time management. Based on the best-selling book of the same name by David Allen.

You can download an introductory presentation on GTD that might also be of interest.

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For knowledge workers, there is a lot of work to do defining our work before we can start actually doing our work. The 5 phases of workflow is the GTD model for capturing, defining and doing our work.

  1. 5 Phases Of Workflow is composed of Collect Phase
  2. 5 Phases Of Workflow is composed of Do Phase
  3. 5 Phases Of Workflow is composed of Organise Phase
  4. 5 Phases Of Workflow is composed of Process Phase
  5. 5 Phases Of Workflow is composed of Review Phase
  6. Getting Things Done is composed of 5 Phases Of Workflow

The gathering of all inputs we have let into our lives for later processing.

  1. 5 Phases Of Workflow is composed of Collect Phase
  2. Collect Phase fills Inbox
  3. Collect Phase gathers Stuff
  4. Collect Phase precedes Process Phase

This is where the rubber meets the road and we get things done.

  1. 5 Phases Of Workflow is composed of Do Phase
  2. Do Phase performs Next Action
  3. Review Phase precedes Do Phase

An approach to personal productivity that focuses on action management rather than time management. Based on the best-selling book of the same name.

  1. Getting Things Done is composed of 5 Phases Of Workflow

Any collection bucket for stuff.

  1. Collect Phase fills Inbox
  2. Inbox contains Stuff
  3. Process Phase drains Inbox

Any set of similar items. Examples include:

  • a to do list on a computer
  • a stack of unopened mail
  • an alphabetised filing system
  • an address book
  1. Next Actions List is a List
  2. Organise Phase populates List
  3. Projects List is a List
  4. Review Phase refreshes List

The next defined physical, visible action you will take to advance some purpose.

Examples include:

  • buy milk
  • call my sister for her ideas for mum's birthday
  • email boss re team restructuring ideas
  1. Do Phase performs Next Action
  2. Next Actions List is composed of Next Action
  3. Project has Next Action
  4. Stuff becomes Next Action

The complete inventory of the next physical, visible action you will take to fulfil some purpose.

  1. Next Actions List is a List
  2. Next Actions List is composed of Next Action

This is where we put things into our trusted system where they need to go based on their meaning to us.

  1. 5 Phases Of Workflow is composed of Organise Phase
  2. Organise Phase populates List
  3. Organise Phase precedes Review Phase
  4. Process Phase precedes Organise Phase

This is where we decide exactly what each new input means to us.

  1. 5 Phases Of Workflow is composed of Process Phase
  2. Collect Phase precedes Process Phase
  3. Process Phase clarifies Stuff
  4. Process Phase drains Inbox
  5. Process Phase precedes Organise Phase

Anything you're committed to that will take more than one action step to complete.

Examples include:

  • host mary's birthday party
  • complete screenplay
  • upgrade my life insurance
  • complete house renovation
  1. Project has Next Action
  2. Projects List is composed of Project
  3. Stuff becomes Project

The complete inventory of everything you have committed to that will take more than one action step to complete.

  1. Projects List is a List
  2. Projects List is composed of Project

This is where we make sure our trusted system is current and complete.

  1. 5 Phases Of Workflow is composed of Review Phase
  2. Organise Phase precedes Review Phase
  3. Review Phase precedes Do Phase
  4. Review Phase refreshes List

Any input that has arrived in your world for which you have not defined the meaning.

  1. Collect Phase gathers Stuff
  2. Inbox contains Stuff
  3. Process Phase clarifies Stuff
  4. Stuff becomes Next Action
  5. Stuff becomes Project


This concept map is owned by jimmyjazz68

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  1. haruki_zaemon